Bryce Meredith
Bryce has recently retired from the RNZAF and is based North of Auckland. He has 32 years’ military experience including operational tours to Bosnia, Bougainville, East Timor and the Middle East.
Bryce is a keen hunter and a firearms safety instructor. Bryce held the position of convenor and chairman of the Firearms & Hunter Safety Technical Advisory Committee for the MSC firearms and hunter safety programme for four years.
Bryce’s qualifications include:
NZ Society of Gunsmiths Inc – Firearms Safety Instructor
Whitireia Community Polytechnic – Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Firearms Instructor)
He was until recently an MSC Firearms Safety Instructor, Firearms Safety Assessor (of other instructors) and greater Auckland Region firearms coordinator.
Bryce was also a moderator and assessor for the MSC outdoor leader courses and as such held his Bush qualifications with MSC.
Bryce has great interpersonal skills and the ability to relate to people from all walks of life. He is knowledgeable and experienced in all things firearms. Bryce can effectively communicate with both young and older age groups.
It is a privilege to have Bryce on our FSS NZ Team.
Bryce holds the following firearms qualifications
- Whitireia Polytechnic – Certficate in Outdoor Leadership (Firearms Instructor)
- NZ Society of Gunsmiths Inc – Firearms Safety Instructor