Mike Pyatt

Mike Pyatt2



Mike Pyatt




My association with Firearms and Firearms Safety has been life long, as a young lad trailing around behind anyone I could find to take me out in the field. Learning how to and in some cases how not to handle and behave around firearms. It seems that now days I am the older bloke with young ones trailing behind me, passing on what I have learned.

I have worked with firearms by profession and obsession for over 30 years. Nowadays I am a hunter. A large family gives me the excuse to get out into the bush and field chasing game for the table. A broad range of experience has given me the chance to gain a wide range of skills and the time spent in the scrub putting food on the table for my tribe has allowed me to stay sharp in those skills.

As I mentioned I have a tribe so economy drove me to reload my own ammunition and I have been doing so for twenty-five years now in a fair range of calibres.

I am an Instructor in Firearms, Hunts, Range Officer and Bushcraft both as a volunteer and professionally in the firearms and hunter safety field. I hold formal qualifications up to Diploma level in Firearms Safety, Outdoor Safety, Instruction and Leadership. As well as being active in Land Search and Rescue, Rural Fire, Urban Search and Rescue and Maritime New Zealand Pollution Response.

I enjoy the Outdoors and teaching safety training. There is certainly a need for good practical training in most outdoor disciplines. I was originally taught this from the old fellas who would serve up an apprenticeship of sorts by teaching ethics and the skills to stay safe for a good outdoor experience. Society has changed to the point that the folk who taught me are now few and far between. My personal opinion is that for me to not carry on this tradition would be an insult to those who taught me, and a disservice to those who will follow. Sustainability, ethical hunting, and survival techniques are important reservoirs of knowledge that should be passed down.

Mike holds the following firearms qualifications:

  • Whitireia Polytechnic – Certficate in Outdoor Leadership (Firearms Instructor)
  • New Zealand Open Polytechnic – Certificate of Achievement Firearms Legislation and Safety
  • NZ Society of Gunsmiths Inc – Firearms Safety Instructor
  • NZ Society of Gunsmiths Inc – Ammunition Advisor (Level 5)
  • Firearms Instructor Warrant – New Zealand Police